optional center for diverging
number of values (valid + missing)
in case of nested arrays what is the max nested depth
number of items in the array
the items in this stats
number of missing items in the array
inter quantile range (q3 - q1)
the items in this stats
maximum value in the given data
maximal items in a bin
arithmetic mean
median value in the given data
minimum value in the given data
number of missing values (NaN, null, undefined) in the data
outliers that are outside of the whiskers on both ends
25% quantile
75% quantile
whisker / fence above the 75% quantile (upper one) by default is computed as the largest element that satisfies (e <= q3 + 1.5IQR && e >= q1)
whisker / fence below the 25% quantile (lower one) by default is computed as the smallest element that satisfies (e >= q1 - 1.5IQR && e <= q1)
Converts a Stats object to a string.
Converts a Stats object to a string.
Converts a Stats object to a number.
Converts a Stats object to a string or number.
The strings "number", "string", or "default" to specify what primitive to return.
A number if 'hint' was "number", a string if 'hint' was "string" or "default".
converts a given (normalized) value to a color
converts the given value to a label
invert operation given a number between 0 and 1 convert it back
converts the given value to a value between 0 and 1
Generated using TypeDoc
number statistics object