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  • IBoxPlot



count: number

number of values (valid + missing)

iqr: number

inter quantile range (q3 - q1)

items: ArrayLike<number>

array like (array or typed array) of all valid items

kde: KernelDensityEstimator
max: number

maximum value in the given data

mean: number

arithmetic mean

median: number

median value in the given data

min: number

minimum value in the given data

missing: number

number of missing values (NaN, null, undefined) in the data

outlier: readonly number[]

outliers that are outside of the whiskers on both ends

q1: number

25% quantile

q3: number

75% quantile

variance: number


whiskerHigh: number

whisker / fence above the 75% quantile (upper one) by default is computed as the largest element that satisfies (e <= q3 + 1.5IQR && e >= q1)

whiskerLow: number

whisker / fence below the 25% quantile (lower one) by default is computed as the smallest element that satisfies (e >= q1 - 1.5IQR && e <= q1)

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